Monday, August 30, 2010

Emmy's...Another Load Of Garbage!

I guess this is my first blog, I'm sure someone is excited! How about those Emmy's? I don't understand why Jimmy Fallon had to do all the intros with his guitar. Funny a few times, that's it! I love Jimmy, but he seemed a little star-struck by it all!

Award shows, what are they? It's the chance for people to give each other prizes for what they think is special and outstanding! What does that mean to the average viewer? Nothing! We're just witnesses to rich a$$holes patting each other on the back. We the fan have no input into who deserves what and if the Grammy's are any indication, the awards don't always go to the talented ones!

Whatever! The band for the broadcast was smoking, that's a positive. The moral of this story? Award shows suck and we people are stupid for watching them! They can give each other awards, but don't broadcast to us shmucks!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hello!!!! I'm a rock n roller from way back. The Guardrail comes from my days as a traffic reporter for a radio station in Albany, New York. No, I've never hit a guardrail and I don't intend to!

My first musical experience was jamming with my best friend Lonely Rich as Phantom, way back in 1983. An experimental project that produced tons of music. We've also created music as RALERODE and Lonely Rich and Crazy Gino. We haven't recorded in a while, but we're still livin!

Currently I play bass in a band called Riff Raff and I've been DJ'ing off and on for the past 20 years. You can check out my stuff at


DJ Gino